
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bristol Palin has A Book Deal!

Gryphen over at The Immoral Minority has an
article up about the girlwho claims she will NOT
have sex again until she is married! Ya right!The
oldest daughter of Sarah Palin who came on the
campaign trail in2008 pregnant and not even 18
years old. Her claim to fame Abstinance!

Gryphen's article I Love the chapter titles:

It is truly amazing that this young girl who was
and still probably is ahigh school drop, has been
pregnant at least once probably more andwas a
dancer on dancing with the stars is going to write
a memoir at 18years of age. What could this fame
monger have to tell us? Abstinence!

Folks this family really needs to go away. Especially
this young lady. IfI had a high school daughter or a
daughter of any age she would not haveaccess to
anything this idiot has to say. Who is going to buy
this book. Allthose young churchy godly girls that
need a lesson on abstinence?


  1. Love the post. There's is nothing Brisket could say that would make me buy her book.

  2. Helen,

    Thanks for your comment Helen. You are officially my first commenter. I have been
    putting some blogs together, but recently
    have exposed them. Some people will not agree
    with all my views, but that is what life is about. Thanks for your support.
